Plugins Store for Mautic
How it works?

How to buy, intall or upgrade app?

  • 1

    Buy app directly from website

    All packages are from legitimate Mautic community developers. We provide the best support within 24 hours.

    Plugins store
  • 2

    Receive download link, license key
    and install manually. Or...

     You can install the package manually. 

  • 3

    Optionally, but recommend
    install Plugins Store Bundle


Install bundle manually

 Once you receive a confirmation email, you can download the latest version of each bundle using the provided link. 

1. Just copy the plugin to plugins/YourBundleName

2. Clear cache: run from console php bin/console clear:cache

3. Reload plugins list: Run php bin/console mautic:plugins:reload

Install bundle with
Plugins Store bundle


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